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Product Image Holland Electronics RK8-H25 Digital TV H25 Receiver Rack Shelf.

Holland Electronics RK8-H25 Digital TV H25 Receiver Rack Shelf.




There is no sense in buying the top quality H25 receivers from Holland and not buy a rack to keep it all in! The Holland RK8-H25 mounting system uses only 6.5" of rack height, which allows for a convenient sized rack. It has 8 individual slots and makes for easy installation and efficient use of space. Capable of holding up to 8 H25 receivers.




  • Conveniently fits any standard 19" rack for multiple options
  •  Each receiver fits 0.88 inches apart to allow air flow between each part
  •  Capacity: 8 Receivers
  •  Compatible with 19" Standard Equipment Rack
  •  Top Shelf: 6.5" Deep
  •  Bottom Shelf: 12.5" Deep
  •  Receivers: 1.19"
  •  Receiver Spacing: 0.88"
  •  Box Contents: Holland 8 Digital TV H25 Receiver Rack Shelf