The best DRO LNBF on the market! Only 0.2dB noise temperature and over 60dB of gain will bring in those weak transponders. Low cost and great performance makes this the best buy in LNBFs.
Features: F
• Ku-band coverage for digital and analog
• Low noise figure • Digital ready
• Low power consumption
• Easy Installation
• High quality weather protection
HDTV Approved Phase Locked Loop Universal LNBF with 300KHz or better stability! Very affordable price that compares to the price of current LNBFs.
Extreme Environment WaterPROOF LNBFsAvenger PLL LNBFs are WaterPROOF and built for the most extreme environments like South America. Demand the best. Demand high stability and WaterPROOF LNBFs.
DMS International introduces another LNBF break through product. Our new Avenger PLL321 S-2 LNBFs are about the same price as the common LNBFs available today. Now you can get extremely good stability (300 KHz or better) for your satellite system at about the same price that you would pay for a LNBF with 1 ,500 KHz (1 .5 MHz) stability or much worse. 300 KHz or 1 ,500 KHz, which one would you like on your dish? Now you can have the high stability of PLL at a very affordable price. These LNBFs are at least 5 times more stable than non-PLL LNBFs on the market today!!!
This LNBF is a MUST HAVE for HD receivers and MPEG4 receivers. If you are upgrading to MPEG4 it only makes sense to upgrade your LNBF to PLL.